In 2013, the USPTO instituted a new fee rule that IP Owners group including Apple, Johnson & Johnson and Google …

In 2013, the USPTO instituted a new fee rule that IP Owners group including Apple, Johnson & Johnson and Google …
The USPTO has officially announced that it has reserve funding from the fees it collects that will allow it to remain …
Information is Power Information is power. When you are adopting a new product name, you need information to make informed …
Our law firm has received a number of inquiries related to recent trademark scam. One of our business clients, Lugia’s …
Pastry Chef Dominique Ansel has trademarked his Cronut and been listed by TIME Tech in the “25 Best Inventions of …
What do the intellectual property symbols ®, ™, and SM mean and when can you use them? The proper usage …
Over the past few months, Applicants have been receiving Section 101 rejections for non-patentable subject matter, especially where the subject …
When you select your international search authority and international preliminary examination authority, it is important to understand what subject matter …
When you select your international search authority and international preliminary examination authority, it is important to understand what subject matter …
As of July 2012, the ePCT application of WIPO provides secure online access to PCT application files. (It is the …